Tag: family

  • The Year in Review… in Brief

    The Year in Review… in Brief

    It’s New Year’s Eve and it’s time for my Year in Review… in Brief. Very brief, actually. The overwhelming theme of this year for me was the election. Emails, texts, social media, every moment seemed to be consumed by it. I suppose I am thankful it’s over, and I will…

  • The Future is coming for us…it’s now!

    The Future is coming for us…it’s now!

    The future can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. To me, it means FALL! With its’ beautiful color-changing leaves, crisp, cool air (well, eventually here in NC), Pumpkin Spice Lattés (or even better, Apple Crisp Oatmilk Beverages!) at Starbucks, and best of all… sweaters and sweatshirts!…

  • I Want to Fuss About Some Stuff

    I Want to Fuss About Some Stuff

    I’ve got a lot on my mind, friends, but I’m sure it’s not what you think. A lot happened in the world in the last couple of weeks, but to be honest, I’ve only been marginally aware of it until just recently. I am not even going to touch that…

  • Flexibility at its Finest

    Flexibility at its Finest

    When I graduated from college, I already had a full time job that I loved in my field of study, I was a very lucky girl. Throughout the next decade or so, I grew to be more independent, made some big steps of faith within our company and created some…

  • 82% Totality

    82% Totality

    Today was our second eclipse in nine years, if I’m doing my math right. I TOTALLY geeked out, like I do. I moved my office outside for the day, and it was perfect for it. It was 72 degrees, sunny, breezy and beautiful. At 1:56pm, I had my first glimpse…

  • Eclipse… INCOMING!

    Eclipse… INCOMING!

    Coming up on Monday, April 8, 2024 we are anticipating a second solar eclipse in my children’s lifetime. The last was in 2017 and they got out of school early and we all waited for the rain to clear and managed to experience the eclipse just in time as the…

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