
Category: home

  • The Most Wimbledon Time of the Year

    The Most Wimbledon Time of the Year

    My happy place has returned. Hours to sit in front of the TV and enjoy high quality tennis. Ah, Wimbledon. I love you so. Gentlemen’s Singles AND Doubles. Women’s singles and doubles. Finding the new players to root for. Discovering the players I just CAN’T root for. That dreaded word……

  • Dear Supreme Court… Way to go, You Killed Democracy

    Dear Supreme Court… Way to go, You Killed Democracy

    I promised myself I would never bring politics onto my blog. I wanted to keep it work-related or life-related, but this is this is the only place I have to get out of my brain and heart all that is boiling up within me about the heart-breaking mess that happened…

  • Living in the moment while planning ahead

    Living in the moment while planning ahead

    There’s a fine line between living in the moment and also trying to plan ahead for tomorrow. I feel like I’m living in a paradox of circumstance. I am constantly reminded of how important it is to live every day like it’s my last. I appreciate every moment with my…

  • It’s my birdfeeder and I’ll smile if I want to.

    It’s my birdfeeder and I’ll smile if I want to.

    Everyday I sit in front of my laptop for work. I watch TV. I workout. But life is short! I need something new! So… my newest form of entertainment is not a game console or smart TV. It’s not a bike (although I would LOVE one of those). I love…

  • Flexibility at its Finest

    Flexibility at its Finest

    When I graduated from college, I already had a full time job that I loved in my field of study, I was a very lucky girl. Throughout the next decade or so, I grew to be more independent, made some big steps of faith within our company and created some…

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