I promised myself I would never bring politics onto my blog. I wanted to keep it work-related or life-related, but this is this is the only place I have to get out of my brain and heart all that is boiling up within me about the heart-breaking mess that happened this week in the chambers of the Supreme Court and the trickle down effect it has had in the mere hours since then.

Every time I see a new headline since the ruling from the Trump nominated, conservative slanted Supreme Court concerning presidential immunity, my stomach turns and my heart breaks again. I fully confess I am no fan of former President Trump, 100% not a fan, so take this trauma however you will. I want to be up front. This is my blog, though, and I feel like I just need to get this off my chest.
I was losing faith in democracy already. The fact that our government as a whole cannot seem to get anything done because one President feels the need to undo what his predecessor has done and our representatives in the House and Senate are more interested in keeping the other side of the aisle from getting anything done than from working together to achieve anything of any benefit for this country, well, these things have frustrated me and frankly, made me angry.
And now, because our Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, is so far slanted to the right, and so partial to their beliefs, rather than actually do their jobs and follow the rule of the law as it is actually written, I believe things will only go from bad to worse.
As I said in a post last night:
“I just want to make sure I understand the Supreme Court ruling today. Should the current president lose the election and decide to throw a major temper tantrum and ask his followers to storm the Capitol so the results can’t be confirmed, it’s O.K. because he has presidential immunity. No worries! No responsibility! Carry on, nothing to see here!
(Can anyone give me any hope that by sending it back to the lower courts SOMEONE with a sense of sanity or ethics will actually do their job as an IMPARTIAL judge? ANYONE?)
I’ve completely lost my faith in democracy. What little I had left. It is indeed a sad day.”
And now, this morning, I see that the conviction in New York, based on an affair that took place PRIOR to his tenure in the White House, a payoff that took place PRIOR to his tenure in the White House, but because some of the evidence they used in the case was during his time as president, currently, everyone has agreed to DELAY the sentencing for which this man was convicted of a crime by a jury of New Yorkers because of this newfound presidential immunity. Does anyone else see the issue here?
There is a slim hope that I used to have that our Presidents and potential presidential candidates would be above reproach and we would not have to worry about such things being a concern. I used to think that SURELY the United States of America and our proud citizens would NEVER elect a criminal, liar, misogynist, narcissist, fabricator of realities to the highest post of our country. The leader of our military. The one with the key to our nuclear weapons.
Well, guess what? Pretty much, half of America has had the wool pulled over their eyes. They have drank the Kool-Aid. They have joined the cult, and if we, those with the power to do something about it, do NOT do something about it, we will all be looking around wondering what happened to our great country.

We have the power to change it. But if we don’t, every freedom we have won, every person who has fought for equality, everything we hold dear to us, will be gone.
Am I being overly dramatic? I might have thought so a week ago. I don’t think so anymore.
PLEASE, everyone, open your eyes to what is happening around you. Look at the candidates we are putting into power. Nationally, statewide and locally. It is our responsibility to do the right thing for each other. For humanity.
Sigh. Needless to say, I feel strongly about one of the candidates, but if I am 100% honest, I do not feel very strongly about the other. Is there a good solution facing us this November? Is there? To be honest, I know what the solution is NOT, and here’s what I know the country needs (in my very humble, and limited opinion):
To be a UNITED States of America. To be a strong country on the world stage. To be a supporter of those around the world who need help while defending our Earth, which is slowly (or quickly) boiling to death, and destroying itself. To prioritize freedom again, for everyone, while protecting ourselves from those who would hurt us, mostly here at home, in our own country. And the list goes on and on.
I don’t believe God cares about politics, not enough to answer prayers about who is in the White House, but I do believe he cares about PEOPLE. Here’s my last comment and I will stop. I’m feeling better having gotten this off my chest. I needed to put this down somewhere, where there is a small potential of someone… anyone reading it.
I at least still currently believe in the system that our government is running on. Whoever does win in November, I believe is the legit winner according to the will of the American people. I HAVE to believe that at least some part of our government will continue to work the way it’s supposed to.
Get out and vote. Do it like your life is on the line.
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