Tag: home
The Year in Review… in Brief
It’s New Year’s Eve and it’s time for my Year in Review… in Brief. Very brief, actually. The overwhelming theme of this year for me was the election. Emails, texts, social media, every moment seemed to be consumed by it. I suppose I am thankful it’s over, and I will…
We have choices to make, too…
It’s been a week, hasn’t it? Whatever side of the ballot you were on, there were SO many feels. So, now our job as citizens of our country continue, just like they did last Monday, before Election Day. But we have choices to make. Will we continue to live in…
One Day More.. to FREEDOM!… From political ads!
It’s Monday. Election Eve. One. More. Day. We’re down to hours now. In the words on Jean Valjean… one day more… to FREEDOM! FROM POLITICAL ADS! FREEDOM! That’s not what Valjean meant when he sang that in the musical but I’m sure he probably meant it in his heart. I…
I Want to Fuss About Some Stuff
I’ve got a lot on my mind, friends, but I’m sure it’s not what you think. A lot happened in the world in the last couple of weeks, but to be honest, I’ve only been marginally aware of it until just recently. I am not even going to touch that…
Flexibility at its Finest
When I graduated from college, I already had a full time job that I loved in my field of study, I was a very lucky girl. Throughout the next decade or so, I grew to be more independent, made some big steps of faith within our company and created some…
200 thousand.
Suddenly, the population of my town has increased by more than 50%! That’s right, Spring Furniture Market in High Point has begun, officially. How do I know? I see LOTS of out of state license plates in the extra long time it takes to take my daughter to school, many,…